2nd New Year's Eve Singing at Ila

The Hollingsworths' Home
Ila, Madison County, Georgia

Monday, December 31, 2007

The Singing used The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition (tagged with `SH'),
The Christian Harmony ('Alabama book', Deason-Parris revision, 2002 printing) (tagged with `AL'),
The Christian Harmony (‘Carolina book’, 1873 facsimile, 1994 reprint) (tagged with `CHw'),
An Eclectic Harmony, Volume II, 2001 (tagged with `EH2') and
American Christmas Harp, 2nd? edition (tagged with `ACH').

1st session: "Alabama" Christian Harmony

John Hollingsworth opened the singing with
24t, Volusia
and welcomed the singers
372, I Won't Turn Back
142, The Solid Rock
23b, Evening Hymn
85b, Mercy Seat
214, Hosanna
154, Happy Time
255, Watchman (Second)
368, Stubborn Heart
64, Youthful Blessings
194, O Happy Day
306, Middlebury
117, Angel Band
61t, North Carolina
49, Forever with the Lord
171, Sessions
131, Will You Meet Me?

Break - and Reprinting meeting

2nd session: Sacred Harp

138t, Adoration
236, Easter Anthem
47t, Primrose
207, Louisiana
254, Rose of Sharon
102, Fulfillment
101t, Canaan's Land
86, Poland
225b, Christmas Anthem
453, Holly Springs, for Charlene's sister
26, Samaria
485, New Agatite
128, The Promised Land
271t, Arkansas
47b, Idumea
424, Sweet Union
340, Odem (Second)

Break - Announcements

3rd session: Leader's Choice (tags as described above)

460 (SH), Sardis - John Hollingsworth
26 (EH2), The Angels' Song - Lee Rogers
146 (SH), Hallelujah - Bill Hollingsworth
261t (AL), Come Thou Fount - Roger Keane
30b (AL), Dennis - Michael Spencer
66 (EH2), Ten Thousand Charms - Dan Huger
75 (ACH), Redemption - Sue Bunch and Morgan Bunch
189t (CHw), Holden - Chris Wilhelm
12 (EH2), Paradise - Judy Mincey
146b (CHw), Bangor - Robert Kelley
35b (EH2), Dundee - John Plunkett
68 (EH2), Oak Grove
35 (SH), Saints Bound for Heaven - Stephanie Tingler
78 (ACH), The Babe of Bethlehem - Jonathon Smith
119 (ACH), Convoy - Morgan Bunch
51 (AL), Lonsdale - John Hollingsworth for Ken George
162 (SH), Plenary

Dismissal: John Plunkett

Arranger: Lee Rogers
Minutes: Mary Baumeister and Dan Huger

Thanks again to John and Elsie for their gracious hospitality!

2007 Minutes listing
Christian Harmony HomePage
January 2008

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