Bibb County Christian Harmony Singing Convention

Old Pleasant Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Centreville, Bibb County, Alabama

Sunday, July 28, 2019

All selections from The Christian Harmony, 2010 edition.

430, Let Me Rise - Jeff James
431, Dungeness - Jeff James
Ken Tate offered the opening prayer.
189, One by One - Mary Amelia Taylor
276, Worlds Beyond the Sky - Mary Amelia Taylor
143, Farther Along - David Daniel
184, Where We'll Never Grow Old - David Daniel
432b, Fish Pond - Katlin Bailey
362, Shining Light - Katlin Bailey
462, (No song at that page no.) - Ken Tate
67, (No song at that page no.) - Ken Tate
322, Among that Band - Tim Taylor
264, Harwell - Tim Taylor
149, A Good Time Coming - Ann Jett
180, The Sinless Summerland - Ann Jett
172, The Grand Highway - Jeff James
167b, Come Along - Danny Creel
166, What Can I Do? - Danny Creel
31t, Home - Yancey Jett
281b, Palmetto - Yancey Jett
91, There is a Fountain - Wanda Capps
109, Not Made with Hands - Wanda Capps
131, Will You Meet Me? - Cindy Tanner
168b, Sunrise - Cindy Tanner
93, Something New - Nicholas Thompson
1, Weary Rest - Nicholas Thompson
171, Sessions - Joe Belcher
85, Mercy Seat - Joe Belcher
178, That Beautiful Land - Billy Thompson
117, Angel Band - Ainslee Allen
136, Sherburne - Ainslee Allen
Danny Creel offered prayer before the meal.


250, (No song at that page no.) - Jeff James
534, Angels Singing - Ken Tate
81, (No song at that page no.) - Mary Hoffman
417b, Zanesville - Tim Taylor
188, He Loves Me - Eddie Pierce
214, Hosanna - Dawson Dockery
546b, Oak Grove - Katlin Bailey
176, Heavenly Treasures - Wanda Capps
64, Youthful Blessings - Mary Amelia Taylor
326, Royal Proclamation - Nicholas Thompson
54, My Trust - Danny Creel
341, The Lone Pilgrim - Harvey Dockery
355, Homeward Bound - Stephen Hoffman
307, True Happiness - Cindy Tanner
287, Indian Convert - Yancey Jett
170, On My Way - Ann Jett
117, Angel Band - Dale Watts
228, Pass Me Not - Joe Belcher
55b, Idumea - Joe Belcher
245, Bozrah - Mary Hoffman
60, What Did He Do? - Stephen Hoffman
308, The Happy Time - Danny Creel
354, Summer - Cindy Hall and Yancey Jett
133, Juniata - Cindy Hall and and Nicholas Thompson

Minutes by Jeff James, and sent in by Katlin Bailey.